From: johnny pruitt
Message: 11265
Date: 2007-05-07
--- In, George Bedell wrote:
> In Lesson 4, which discusses the aorist. The example used for
> 2nd person singular is upasa.mkami. Is this a typing error?
> Should it be 'upasa.mkamo' instead?
The Pali grammarians give -o as the basic second person singular
suffix of the aorist active (Kaccaayana 430, Saddaniiti 901).
Narada's grammar follows this, but says 'The second person "o" is
mostly changed into "i"' (page 27). Gair and Karunatillake say that
this verb has "the -is Aorist" and give the same paradigm as Warder
(page 87). According to Collins, the suffix -o appears only with root
aorists and there only as an option (pages 87-8).
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