From: diedrik2000
Message: 11223
Date: 2007-04-19
--- In, "Ong Yong Peng" <pali.smith@...> wrote:
> Dear Jim,
> thank you for your reply. It is quite pleasant to learn of a Pali
> grammar in Devanagari script.
> Would you be able to give us a quick review of the ancient Pali
> grammar materials. I know CSCD contains the following list:
> Yong Peng.
> --- In, Jim Anderson wrote:
> I didn't have access to the Internet at the time you posted your
> message over a month ago and it wasn't until yesterday that I caught
> up with it. I was aware of Diedrik's fearlier message but didn't
> respond due to my lack of familiarity with the Ekakkharakosa text.
> About 25 years ago, I photocopied 8 pages of this small text of over
> 100 verses in the Devanagari script but didn't copy it all,
> unfortunately. The arrangement of the syllables is according to the
> Pali order of letters. What I have, runs from verse 13 (part of "a")
> to verse 117 (part of "sa.m"). Most of the syllables are open (vowel
> or consonant+vowel). The syllables are often described as a verbal
> root, suffix, or prefix.