From: Piya Tan
Message: 11203
Date: 2007-04-12
On 12 Apr 2007 02:50:10 -0700, keren_arbel <keren_arbel@...> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> Sorry for bothering you again and again, but I don't have anyone else to
> ask...
> In MN III.29-30: di.t.the di.t.thavaaditaa
> di.t.the: seen in locative
> vaaditaa: speaker (Nominative sg of vaaditar)
> Bhikkhu Bodhi translate like this: "Telling the seen as it is seen".
> I wanted to ask if a locative can be transles as "as"?
> It seems that the accurate trandlation should be:
> "in case of the seen, he is a spkeaker about the seen" or "concerning
> the seen, he speak about the seen".
> However, in these translations there is no reference to speaking about
> the seen, as it is seen, which makes this sentence different. What do
> you think?
> Thanks,
> Have a wonderful day,
> Keren [:D]
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