From: Nina van Gorkom Message: 10836 Date: 2006-10-15
Dear Ole and Avery,
ana~n~naposi.m a~n~na^ta.m danta.m sa^re pati.t.thita.m
Ole: "I call
him brahmin who is recognised as one who does not support others
(i.e. he is
an ascetic), who is established in the essence (of vimutti i.e.
"liberation") etc.
Nina: I read somewhere (I do not remember where) that not supporting
others has a very deep meaning. There are five khandhas arising and
falling away now, but when one is liberated from rebirth, there are
no conditions for the arising of khandhas in the future. What we call
this person now does not support the khandhas of a person reborn in a
next life, thus future khandhas.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]