From: Piya Tan
Message: 10753
Date: 2006-09-18
On 9/18/06, Nina van Gorkom <vangorko@...> wrote:
> Dear Keren,
> This passage is about Po.t.thapaada's belief in a soul. My PTS gives
> footnotes. The coarse one is a material soul, having rupa. We have to
> look at the Brahmajala sutta for such theories.
> The mind-made is also material, but very subtle.
> The aruupi is without ruupa, only mental.
> Thus this is in the context of theories about the soul or attaa.
> Nina.
> Op 17-sep-2006, om 8:08 heeft keren_arbel het volgende geschreven:
> > I have a question regarding a passage in DN I.186-199.
> > Po.t.thapaada is declaring three types of self, and then the Buddha
> > is elaborating on this "acquired self" (attaa patilaabha):
> > the ol.aariko, the manomaya.m & the aruupi.m.
> >
> > It is the first time I see this analysis and I'm not sure what it
> > means.
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