
From: Scott Duncan
Message: 10673
Date: 2006-08-22

Dear All,

I've been studying the following passage from the Lo.nakapallasuta.m
(Anguttara Nikaaya):

"Yo bhikkave eva.m vadeyya: yathaa yattaa'ya.m puriso kamma.m karoti
tathaa tathaa'na.m pa.tisa.mvediyatiiti. Eva.m santa.m bhikkave
brahmacariyavaaso na hoti. Okaaso na pa~n~naayati samma dukkhassa

"Yo ca kho bhikkave eva.m vadeyya: yathaa yathaa vedaniiya.m aya.m
puriso kamma.m karoti, tathaa tathaa assa vipaka.m
pa.tisa.mvediyatii'ti, eva.m santa.m bhikkhave brahmacariyavaaso hoti
okasso pa~n~naayati samma dukkhassa antakiriyaayaa'ti."

I need help with the "yathaa yatthaa'ya.m" and the "tathaa
tathaa'na.m" parts. I think they form two halves of a "where...there
is" clause, but I'm not sure.

Also, in the second paragraph there is "vedaniiya.m" which I think is
about experiencing and if so, how does it differ from

There's more but I'll stop here.



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