From: Jim Anderson
Message: 10542
Date: 2006-06-23
> Now as to ``saha dhammena niggayhaa''tyaadiisu aadinaa"refuting with dhamma" or "refuting with reason" are other
> samaya~n~nuupamaahi.msaadiisupi dhammo.
> niggayhaa: censuring.
> censuring with dhamma?
> the simile of the right sacrifice that is with non-violence.dhamma? The
> Is this referring to the Kuttadanta sutta? Is this a meaning of
> true sacrifice that is dhamma, namely all kinds of kusala?I'm not clear at all about the
> I did not see elsewhere the meaning for dhamma: cause.Other lists may have "hetu" or "paccayo" instead.
> Then we have in the text kaara.naado and in the Tiika adinaa, whatis the
> meaning?It seems to refer to censuring with dhamma?See above.
> ---------vikara to
> Then there is: sa"nkhaaravikaaralakkha.nanibbaanapa~n~nattivasena
> pa~ncavidhe ~neyye.
> Is referring to the three general characteristics? And
> the changeability? I tried to see the five meanings of neyya.I don't know enough about this to give any satisfactory answer. The