From: nina van gorkom
Message: 10080
Date: 2006-02-26
> Dear Yong Peng,
> The Mahatheras Nyanaponika/Nyanatiloka translated it (AN in German) as
> follows:
> nadiividugga = "schwer passierbare Flüsse" (impassable rivers)
> pabbatavisama = "unwegsames Gebirge" (wayless mountain region)
> eteva = ete + eva / "among them however"
> avi~n~naataara = "unverständigen" (foolish, unwise)
> atthama~n~naati = in this context: "unterscheiden" -> they cannot distinguish
> between well-spoken and ill-spoken words.
> duppa~n~na = "unverständig" (without proper understanding)