AN1.16.1-93 Ekadhamma (8/11)

From: Ong Yong Peng
Message: 10074
Date: 2006-02-26

Dear friends,

this translation exercise is not complete. Please help with the
following words:

avi~n~naataara = avi~n~naata(?)


A`nguttara Nikaya: Ekaka Nipaata
Catuttha Vagga: Jambudiipa Peyyaala

50. "Seyyathaapi, bhikkhave, appamattaka.m imasmi.m jambudiipe
aaraamaraama.neyyaka.m vanaraama.neyyaka.m bhuumiraama.neyyaka.m
pokkhara.niraama.neyyaka.m; atha kho etadeva bahutara.m yadida.m
ukkuulavikuula.m nadiividygga.m khaa.nuka.n.taka.t.thaana.m
pabbatavisama.m. Evameva.m kho, bhikkhave, appakaa te sattaa ye
thalajaa, atha kho eteva sattaa bahutaraa ye odakaa".

51. ... Evameva.m kho, bhikkhave, appakaa te sattaa ye manussesu
paccaajaayanti; atha kho eteva sattaa bahutaraa ye a~n~natra
manussehi paccaajaayanti.

52. ... Evameva.m kho, bhikkhave, appakaa te sattaa ye majjhimesu
janapadesu paccaajaayanti; atha kho eteva sattaa bahutaraa ye
paccantimesu janapadesu paccaajaayanti avi~n~naataaresu milakkhesu.

53. ... Evameva.m kho, bhikkhave, appakaa te sattaa ye pa~n~navanto
aja.laa ane.lamuugaa pa.tibalaa subhaasitadubbhaasitassa
atthama~n~naatu.m; atha kho eteva sattaa bahutaraa ye duppa~n~naa
ja.laa e.lamuugaa na pa.tibalaa subhaasitadubbhaasitassa

54. ... Evameva.m kho, bhikkhave, appakaa te sattaa ye ariyena
pa~n~naacakkhunaa samannaagataa; atha kho eteva sattaa bahutaraa ye
avijjaagataa sammuu.lhaa.

55. ... Evameva.m kho, bhikkhave, appakaa te sattaa ye labhanti
tathaagata.m dassanaaya; atha kho eteva sattaa bahutaraa ye na
labhanti tathaagata.m dassanaaya.

56. ... Evameva.m kho, bhikkhave, appakaa te sattaa ye labhanti
tathaagatappavedita.m dhammavinaya.m savanaaya; atha kho eteva sattaa
bahutaraa ye na labhanti tathaagatappavedita.m dhammavinaya.m


Jambudiipa Peyyaala
Jambudipa / repetition
Series on Jambudipa

1. "Seyyathaapi, bhikkhave, appamattaka.m imasmi.m jambudiipe
aaraamaraama.neyyaka.m vanaraama.neyyaka.m bhuumiraama.neyyaka.m
just as-even / monks / few / in this / in ancient India / lovely
scenery of park / lovely scenery of forest / lovely scenery of
plain / lovely scenery of pond
"O monks, and just as few (are) the lovely sceneries of park, forest,
plain and pond in this Jambudipa.

seyyathaapi [sandhi] seyyathaa pi: just as-even.
- seyyathaa (adv) just as.
- pi (ind, emphatic) even, just so.
bhikkhu (m) monk.
appamattaka = appa+mattaka (adj) small, insignificant
quantity.imasmi.m (dem pron loc) in this.
jambudiipa (m) ancient India, lit. country of rose-apples.
- jambu (f) the rose-apple tree, an evergreen (?) flowering plant of
the genus Syzygium.
- diipa (m) island, continent.
aaraamaraama.neyyaka (n) lovely scenery of park.
- aaraama (m) park, garden.
- raama.neyyaka (n) delightfulness, lovely scenery.
vanaraama.neyyaka (n) lovely scenery of forest.
- vana (n) forest, wood.
bhuumiraama.neyyaka (n) lovely scenery of region.
- bhuumi (f) region, district.
pokkhara.niraama.neyyaka (n) lovely scenery of pond.
- pokkhara.nii (f) pond.

atha kho etadeva bahutara.m yadida.m ukkuulavikuula.m nadiividygga.m
khaa.nuka.n.taka.t.thaana.m pabbatavisama.m.

atha kho: but.
etadeva [sandhi] etad eva: this-so.
- etad (rel pron) this.
- eva (adv) so, even, just.
bahutara (adj) greater, more, in greater number.
yadida.m = ya ida.m: which is this, that is, in other words, so to
speak, just this.
- ya (rel pron, stem) which.
- ida.m (dem pron, n/nom/sg) this.
ukkuulavikuula (adj) sloping up and down, i.e. uneven.
- ukkuula (adj) sloping up, steep, high.
- vikuula (adj) sloping down, low-lying.
nadiividugga (?)
- nadii (f) river.
- vidugga (adj) hard to walk.
khaa.nuka.n.taka.t.thaana (n) places of stumps and thorns.
- (m) stump of a tree.
- ka.n.taka (n) thorn.
- .thaana (n) place.
pabbatavisama (?)
- pabbata (m) mountain.
- visama (adj) uneven.

Evameva.m kho, bhikkhave, appakaa te sattaa ye thalajaa, atha kho
eteva sattaa bahutaraa ye odakaa".
just so / indeed / monks / few / those / sentient beings / who /
sprung from land / but / these-certainly / sentient beings / many /
who / from water
Indeed, monks, just so, few (are) those sentient beings which sprung
from land, but certainly many (are) these sentient beings which (are)
from water.

evameva.m= eva.m eva.m: just so.
kho (enclitic) indeed, surely.
appaka (adj) little, small, trifling.
te (pron) they, those.
satta (m) sentient being.
ye (rel pron) who.
thalaja (adj) sprung from land.
eteva = ete eva(?): these-certainly.
odaka (n) water.


2. ... Evameva.m kho, bhikkhave, appakaa te sattaa ye manussesu
paccaajaayanti; atha kho eteva sattaa bahutaraa ye a~n~natra
manussehi paccaajaayanti.
just so / indeed / monks / few / those / sentient beings / who / in
humans / are reborn in / but / these-certainly / sentient beings /
many / who / elsewhere / from humans / are reborn in
... Indeed, monks, just so, few (are) those sentient beings which are
reborn as humans, but certainly many (are) these sentient beings
which are reborn elsewhere apart from humans.

manussa (m) human being.
paccaajaayati (v) is reborn in a new existence.
a~n~natra (adv) elsewhere.


3. ... Evameva.m kho, bhikkhave, appakaa te sattaa ye majjhimesu
janapadesu paccaajaayanti; atha kho eteva sattaa bahutaraa ye
paccantimesu janapadesu paccaajaayanti avi~n~naataaresu milakkhesu.

majjhima (adj) middle.
janapada (m) country, province.
- majjhima janapada refers to middle India, or the parts of India
where Buddhism is known during Buddha's time.
paccantima (adj) bordering, adjoining, next to.
avi~n~naataara = avi~n~naata(?) (adj) not known.
milakkha (m) barbarian, foreigner.


4. ... Evameva.m kho, bhikkhave, appakaa te sattaa ye pa~n~navanto
aja.laa ane.lamuugaa pa.tibalaa subhaasitadubbhaasitassa
atthama~n~naatu.m; atha kho eteva sattaa bahutaraa ye duppa~n~naa
ja.laa e.lamuugaa na pa.tibalaa subhaasitadubbhaasitassa

pa~n~navant (adj) possessed of insight, wise. = na (adj) not stupid.
- na (neg) not.
- (adj) dull, stupid.
ane.lamuugaa = na e.lamuuga (adj) not deaf and dumb.
- e.lamuuga (adj) deaf and dumb.
pa.tibala (adj) able, competent.
subhaasitadubbhaasita (adj) well and badly spoken.
- subhaasita = su+bhaasita (adj) well spoken.
- dubbhaasita = du+(b)+bhaasita (adj) badly spoken.
atthama~n~naati (?)
duppa~n~na = du+(p)+pa~n~na


5. ... Evameva.m kho, bhikkhave, appakaa te sattaa ye ariyena
pa~n~naacakkhunaa samannaagataa; atha kho eteva sattaa bahutaraa ye
avijjaagataa sammuu.lhaa.
just so / indeed / monks / few / those / sentient beings / who / with
noble / with eye of wisdom / endowed with / but / these-certainly /
sentient beings / many / who / gone to ignorance / infatuated
... Indeed, monks, just so, few (are) those sentient beings who (are)
endowed with the noble eye of wisdom, but certainly many (are) these
sentient beings who (have) became ignorant and (are) infatuated.

ariya (adj) noble.
pa~n~naacakkhu (n) eye of wisdom.
samannaagata (adj) followed by, possessed of, endowed with.
avijjaagata (adj) lit. gone to ignorance.
- avijjaa (f) ignorance.
- gata (pp of gacchati) gone.
sammuu.lha (adj) infatuated, bewildered.


6. ... Evameva.m kho, bhikkhave, appakaa te sattaa ye labhanti
tathaagata.m dassanaaya; atha kho eteva sattaa bahutaraa ye na
labhanti tathaagata.m dassanaaya.
just so / indeed / monks / few / those / sentient beings / who /
obtain / Tathagata / for seeing / but / these-certainly / sentient
beings / many / who / not obtain / Tathagata / for seeing
... Indeed, monks, just so, few (are) those sentient beings who
achieve (the opportunity) for seeing the Tathagata, but certainly
many (are) these sentient beings who do not achieve (the opportunity)
for seeing the Tathagata.

labhati (v) receives, obtains.
tathaagata (m) Tathagata.
dassana (n) seeing.


7. ... Evameva.m kho, bhikkhave, appakaa te sattaa ye labhanti
tathaagatappavedita.m dhammavinaya.m savanaaya; atha kho eteva sattaa
bahutaraa ye na labhanti tathaagatappavedita.m dhammavinaya.m
just so / indeed / monks / few / those / sentient beings / who /
obtain / taught by Tathagata / Dhamma and Vinaya / for hearing /
but / these-certainly / sentient beings / many / who / not obtain /
taught by Tathagata / Dhamma and Vinaya / for hearing
... Indeed, monks, just so, few (are) those sentient beings who
achieve (the opportunity) for hearing the Dhamma and Vinaya taught by
the Tathagata, but certainly many (are) these sentient beings who do
not achieve (the opportunity) for hearing the Dhamma and Vinaya
taught by the Tathagata.

tathaagatappavedita (adj) taught by Tathagata.
- pavedita (pp of pavedeti) made known, taught.
dhammavinaya (m) Dhamma and Vinaya.
savana (n) hearing.

Please correct me if there is any mistake.

Yong Peng.

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