From: flrobert2000
Message: 10047
Date: 2006-02-21
> Dear Florent,curd.
> May I make a couple of suggestions to put some of your answers into
> more readable English?
> > 5.Addhaa te dhanuuni aadaaya vana.m pavisitvaa miga.m maaretvaa
> > aanessanti.
> > certainly / they / bows / having taken / forest / having entered /
> > deer / having killed / will bring
> > Having taken the bows, entered the forest and killed the deer, they
> > certainly will bring it.
> Certainly they will take their bows, enter the forest, kill the deer,
> and bring it back.
> > 6.Amhaka.m pitaro tadaa vanamhaa madhu.m aaharitvaa dadhinaa saha
> > bhuñji.msu.
> > our / fathers / then / [from] forest / honey / having brought / curd
> / with / will eat
> > Having then brought honey from the forest, our fathers ate it with
> Then our fathers brought honey from the forest and ate it with curd.
> > 7.Maya.m suve tumhehi vinaa arañña.m gantvaa daaruuni bhañjissaama.
> > we / tomorrow / you / without / forest / having gone / firewoods /
> > will break
> > Having gone tomorrow without you to the forest, we will break
> We will go tomorrow without you to the forest, and break firewood.
> > 10.Yaava mayha.m pitaa nahaayissati taava aha.m idha ti.t.thaami.
> > as long as / my / father / will bathe / as long as / I / here / will
> stay
> > I will stay here as long as my father will bathe.
> I will stay here as long as my father bathes.
> > 11.Yathaa bhuupati aa.naapeti tathaa tva.m kaatu.m icchasi?
> > in that way / king / commands / so / you / to do / wish
> > In that way the king commands, so you wish to do?
> Are you willing to do whatever the king commands?
> With metta,
> John