From: Ole Holten Pind Message: 10030 Date: 2006-02-19
It is not at all obvious what this term and its derivate mean. The
commentators' glosses would indicate that it denotes any given heterodox
system. If one looks at the limited number of occurrences in the canon its
denotation seems closer to that of "heterodoxy" and the derivate seems to
denote a follower of heterodox systems. However, I am not absolutely certain
whether this is correct.The etymology of the term is far from clear, neither
in Pali nor in Sanskrit.This is yet another lexicographical problem of the
Pali canon to ponder.
Can anybody clarify the Pali usage of paasa.n.da / paasa.n.dika ? Is the
term used in the sense of a true "heretic" as often defined in dictionary
definitions -- which would make them people who deviate from a perceived
Buddhist orthodoxy, or are they just followers of other belief systems, that
is, they are followers of heterodox systems and thus not heretics. It is
really confusing when many translators misuse the word "heretic" !