Hi there.

I am new to this group and I am having some problems with
pronunciation. I own a copy of Warder's "Introduction to Pali" which
I purchased along with the pronunciation tape about a year ago. I
have been busy at work and haven't had much time for my Pali
studies, but I am trying to get back into it again. The problem is
that I can't find my pronunciation tape anywhere (I think I might
have lent it to a friend some time ago but I can't remember). I
understand that there is now a CD available. Would it be possible
for any kind soul out there who owns the CD to send MP3 files of the
CD to my email address? I would feel silly purchasing it again as I
have already spent money on the cassette.

Thank you kindly.

Pali Piglet (a.k.a Jason Mendes)
