1.Maya.m gaaviyaa khiira.m, khiiramhaa dadhi.m, dadhimhaa sappi.m ca
we /[from] cow / milk / [from] milk / curd / [from] curd / ghee / and
/ get
We get milk from the cow, curd from milk and ghee from curd.
2.Maataa dhiituyaa akkhiisu assuuni disvaa (tassaa) vadana.m vaarinaa
mother / [of] daughter / [in] eyes / tears / having seen / face /
[with] water / washed
Having seen tears in her daughter's eyes, the mother washed her face
with water.
3.Kasmaa tva.m ajja vaapi.m gantvaa puna nadi.m gantu.m icchasi?
why / you / today / tank / having gone / again / river / to go / wish
Having gone to the tank today, why do you wish to go again to the river.
4.Katha.m tava bhaataro nadiyaa padumaani ocinitvaa aaharissanti ?
how / your / brother / [from] river / lotuses / having collected /
will bring
Having collected the lotuses from the river, how will your brother
bring (them)?
5.Addhaa te dhanuuni aadaaya vana.m pavisitvaa miga.m maaretvaa
certainly / they / bows / having taken / forest / having entered /
deer / having killed / will bring
Having taken the bows, entered the forest and killed the deer, they
certainly will bring it.
6.Amhaka.m pitaro tadaa vanamhaa madhu.m aaharitvaa dadhinaa saha
our / fathers / then / [from] forest / honey / having brought / curd /
with / will eat
Having then brought honey from the forest, our fathers ate it with curd.
7.Maya.m suve tumhehi vinaa arañña.m gantvaa daaruuni bhañjissaama.
we / tomorrow / you / without / forest / having gone / firewoods /
will break
Having gone tomorrow without you to the forest, we will break firewoods.
8.Kumaaraa siigha.m dhaavitvaa vaapiya.m kiilitvaa sanika.m gehaani
boys / quickly / ran / [in] tank / having played / slowly / house / came
Having quickly ran and played in the tank, the boys came slowly home.
9.Tumhe khiira.m pivitu.m icchatha, athavaa dadhi.m bhuñjitu.m?
you / milk / to drink / wish / or / curd / eat
Do you like to drink milk or eat curd.
10.Yaava mayha.m pitaa nahaayissati taava aha.m idha ti.t.thaami.
as long as / my / father / will bathe / as long as / I / here / will stay
I will stay here as long as my father will bathe.
11.Yathaa bhuupati aa.naapeti tathaa tva.m kaatu.m icchasi?
in that way / king / commands / so / you / to do / wish
In that way the king commands, so you wish to do?
12.Aama, aha.m bhuupatino vacana.m atikkamitu.m na sakkomi.
yes / I / path / [of] king / word / to surpass / not / able
Yes, I am not able to surpass the king's word.
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