From: Hugo
Message: 9466
Date: 2005-11-30
On 11/29/05, connie <connieparker@...> wrote:
> I guess you're asking about what-/who-ever "takes" or "goes to" or
> "(re)appears/arises" for/in refuge or any next life or moment?
> During
> life, the whole psycho-physical process/activities rolls along; at death,
> excepting arahats, only the psycho.
(psycho) pun intended? ;-)
> As to how we're to interpret that or any other thread(s), I guess it's to
> the best of our understanding, taking the whole framework into
> consideration, remembering things that set it apart from other teachings,
> say, anatta and contemplation of foulness that only Buddhas point out.
Thank you very much for the explanation.