From: htootintnaing
Message: 9453
Date: 2005-11-29
> Dear brothers and sisters in the Dhamma,
> Not so long ago I've read some sutta in which the Buddha's states
> any layman fully convinced in the merits of the Buddha-Dhamma-Sangha
> is sure to be reborn among the devas, even if he does not attainevidence
> stream entry in this life. This seems to give some canonical
> for the well known Pure Land (Sukkhavati) claims as to the "faith-may
> driven salvation". Unfortunately, I cannot retrieve the before
> mentionned sutta !
> If someone has the sutta name, or some other helpful information,
> he speak as to dispell my ignorance.---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Many thanks,
> metta,
> S.B.G.