AN1.14.1-80 Etadagga Vagga (3/7)

From: Ong Yong Peng
Message: 9338
Date: 2005-10-31

Dear friends,

here is the third part of the celebrity list of the Buddha's

A`nguttara Nikaya: Ekaka Nipaata
Etadagga Vagga
Tatiya Vagga

22. "Etadagga.m, bhikkhave, mama saavakaana.m bhikkhuuna.m
sikkhaakaamaana.m yadida.m raahulo.
23. ... Saddhaapabbajitaana.m yadida.m ra.t.thapaalo.
24. ... Pa.thama.m salaaka.m ga.nhantaana.m yadida.m ku.n.dadhaano.
25. ... Pa.tibhaanavantaana.m yadida.m va`ngiiso.
26. ... Samantapaasaadikaana.m yadida.m upaseno va`ngantaputto.
27. ... Senaasanapa~n~naapakaana.m yadida.m dabbo mallaputto.
28. ... Devataana.m piyamanaapaana.m yadida.m pilindavaccho.
29. ... Khippaabhi~n~naana.m yadida.m baahiyo daaruciiriyo.
30. ... Cittakathikaana.m yadida.m kumaarakassapo.
31. ... Pa.tisambhidaapattaana.m yadida.m mahaako.t.thitoti.

Vaggo tatiyo.


A`nguttara Nikaya: Ekaka Nipaata
Etadagga Vagga

Tatiya Vagga
third / part
The Third Part

1. "Etadagga.m, bhikkhave, mama saavakaana.m bhikkhuuna.m
sikkhaakaamaana.m yadida.m raahulo.
this is chief / monks / my / of disciples / of monks / of the ones
anxious for training / that is / Rahula
"This is the most eminent, monks, among the monks, my disciples,
anxious for training: it is Rahula.

etadagga = etad agga: this is chief.
- etad (dem pron) this.
- agga (adj) chief, best, excellent.
bhikkhu (m) monk.
mama (per pron) my.
saavaka (m) disciple.
sikkhaakaama (adj) anxious for training.
yadida.m = ya ida.m: which is this, that is, in other words, so to
speak, just this.
- ya (rel pron, stem) which.
- ida.m (dem pron, n/nom/sg) this.
raahula (name) Rahula.


2. ... Saddhaapabbajitaana.m yadida.m ra.t.thapaalo.
of the ones becoming monks in faith / that is / Ratthapala
Among those becoming monks by faith: it is Ratthapala.

saddhaapabbajita (adj) one who become a monk/nun in faith.
- saddhaa (f) faith.
- pabbajita (pp of pabbajati) one ordained as a monk/nun.
ra.t.thapaala (name) Ratthapala.


3. ... Pa.thama.m salaaka.m ga.nhantaana.m yadida.m ku.n.dadhaano.
first / meal-ticket / of the ones taking / that is / Kundadhana
Among those taking the first meal-ticket: it is Kundadhana.

pa.thama (adj) first.
salaakaa (f) meal-ticket.
ga.nhanta (ppr of ga.nhaati) taking.
ku.n.dadhaana (name) Kundadhana.


4. ... Pa.tibhaanavantaana.m yadida.m va`ngiiso.
of the ones possessed of intelligence / that is / Vangisa
Among those possessed of intelligence: it is Vangisa.

pa.tibhaanavant (adj) possessed of intelligence.
va`ngiisa (name) Vangisa.


5. ... Samantapaasaadikaana.m yadida.m upaseno va`ngantaputto.
of the serene ones / that is / Upasena / Vangantaputta
Among the serene ones: it is Upasena Vangantaputta.

samantapaasaadika (adj) all-pleasing, serene.
upasena (name) Upasena.
va`ngantaputta (name) Vangantaputta.


6. ... Senaasanapa~n~naapakaana.m yadida.m dabbo mallaputto.
of the regulators of lodging-places / that is / Dabba / son of Mallas
Among those regulating lodging-places: it is Dabba of Mallas.

senaasanapa~n~naapaka (m) regulator of lodging-places.
dabba (name) Dabba.
mallaputta (name) son of Mallas.
- malla (place) Mallas.
- putta (m) son.


7. ... Devataana.m piyamanaapaana.m yadida.m pilindavaccho.
to devas / of the ones pleasing / that is / Pilinda Vaccha
Among those pleasing to the devas: it is Pilinda Vaccha.

devataa (f) deva.
piyamanaapa (adj) pleasing.
pilindavaccha (name) Pilinda Vaccha.


8. ... Khippaabhi~n~naana.m yadida.m baahiyo daaruciiriyo.
of the ones with quick intuition / that is / Bahiya / oak-bark
Among those with quick intuition: it is oak-bark Bahiya.

khippaabhi~n~naa (f) quick intuition.
baahiya (name) Bahiya.
daaruciiriya (adj) of the bark of oak.
- daaru (n) oak.
- ciiriya (adj) of bark.


9. ... Cittakathikaana.m yadida.m kumaarakassapo.
of the brilliant speakers / that is / Kumara Kassapa
Among the brilliant speakers: it is Kumara Kassapa.

cittakathika = cittakathin (m) brilliant speaker.
kumaarakassapa (name) Kumara Kassapa.


10. ... Pa.tisambhidaapattaana.m yadida.m mahaako.t.thitoti.
of the ones who have attained mastership in analysis / that is / Maha
Among the masters of analysis: it is Maha Kotthita.

pa.tisambhidaapatta (m) one who has attained mastership in analysis.
mahaako.t.thita (name) Maha Kotthita.

Vaggo tatiyo.
part / third
The Third Part

vagga (m) chapter, part.
tatiya (num ord) third.

Please correct me if there is any mistake.

Yong Peng.

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