1. "Etadagga.m, bhikkhave, mama saavakaana.m bhikkhuuna.m
sikkhaakaamaana.m yadida.m raahulo.
this is chief / monks / my / of disciples / of monks / of the ones
anxious for training / that is / Rahula
"This is the most eminent, monks, among the monks, my disciples,
anxious for training: it is Rahula.
etadagga = etad agga: this is chief.
- etad (dem pron) this.
- agga (adj) chief, best, excellent.
bhikkhu (m) monk.
mama (per pron) my.
saavaka (m) disciple.
sikkhaakaama (adj) anxious for training.
yadida.m = ya ida.m: which is this, that is, in other words, so to
speak, just this.
- ya (rel pron, stem) which.
- ida.m (dem pron, n/nom/sg) this.
raahula (name) Rahula.
2. ... Saddhaapabbajitaana.m yadida.m ra.t.thapaalo.
of the ones becoming monks in faith / that is / Ratthapala
Among those becoming monks by faith: it is Ratthapala.
saddhaapabbajita (adj) one who become a monk/nun in faith.
- saddhaa (f) faith.
- pabbajita (pp of pabbajati) one ordained as a monk/nun.
ra.t.thapaala (name) Ratthapala.
3. ... Pa.thama.m salaaka.m ga.nhantaana.m yadida.m ku.n.dadhaano.
first / meal-ticket / of the ones taking / that is / Kundadhana
Among those taking the first meal-ticket: it is Kundadhana.
4. ... Pa.tibhaanavantaana.m yadida.m va`ngiiso.
of the ones possessed of intelligence / that is / Vangisa
Among those possessed of intelligence: it is Vangisa.
pa.tibhaanavant (adj) possessed of intelligence.
va`ngiisa (name) Vangisa.
5. ... Samantapaasaadikaana.m yadida.m upaseno va`ngantaputto.
of the serene ones / that is / Upasena / Vangantaputta
Among the serene ones: it is Upasena Vangantaputta.
6. ... Senaasanapa~n~naapakaana.m yadida.m dabbo mallaputto.
of the regulators of lodging-places / that is / Dabba / son of Mallas
Among those regulating lodging-places: it is Dabba of Mallas.
senaasanapa~n~naapaka (m) regulator of lodging-places.
dabba (name) Dabba.
mallaputta (name) son of Mallas.
- malla (place) Mallas.
- putta (m) son.
7. ... Devataana.m piyamanaapaana.m yadida.m pilindavaccho.
to devas / of the ones pleasing / that is / Pilinda Vaccha
Among those pleasing to the devas: it is Pilinda Vaccha.
8. ... Khippaabhi~n~naana.m yadida.m baahiyo daaruciiriyo.
of the ones with quick intuition / that is / Bahiya / oak-bark
Among those with quick intuition: it is oak-bark Bahiya.
khippaabhi~n~naa (f) quick intuition.
baahiya (name) Bahiya.
daaruciiriya (adj) of the bark of oak.
- daaru (n) oak.
- ciiriya (adj) of bark.
9. ... Cittakathikaana.m yadida.m kumaarakassapo.
of the brilliant speakers / that is / Kumara Kassapa
Among the brilliant speakers: it is Kumara Kassapa.
10. ... Pa.tisambhidaapattaana.m yadida.m mahaako.t.thitoti.
of the ones who have attained mastership in analysis / that is / Maha
Among the masters of analysis: it is Maha Kotthita.
pa.tisambhidaapatta (m) one who has attained mastership in analysis.
mahaako.t.thita (name) Maha Kotthita.
Vaggo tatiyo.
part / third
The Third Part
vagga (m) chapter, part.
tatiya (num ord) third.
Please correct me if there is any mistake.
Yong Peng.
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