1. Bandhavo susuuhi saddhi.m amhaaka.m geha.m aagamissanti.
relatives / young ones / with / our / house / will come
The relatives will come with the young ones to our house.
2. Sattu pharasunaa tava taravo chindissati.
enemy / [with] axe / your / trees / will cut
The enemy will cut your trees with an axe.
3. Garu mayha.m susuuna.m ucchavo adadi.
teacher / my / young ones / sugar canes / gave
The teacher gave sugar canes to my young ones.
4. Bhikkhavo nattaaraana.m dhamma.m desessanti.
monks / [to] grandsons / Dhamma / will teach
The monks will teach the Dhamma to the grandsons.
5. Tva.m bandhunaa saha sindhu.m gamissasi.
you / relative / with / sea / will go
You will go to the sea with the relative.
6. Assaa ca go.naa ca gaame aa.hi.n.dissanti
horses / and / oxen / and / [in] village / will wander
The horses and oxen will wander in the village.
7. Tumhe pasavo vaa pakkhii vaa na maaressatha.
you / beasts / or / birds / not / will kill
You will not kill beasts or birds.
8. Maya.m netaarehi saha satthaara.m puujessaama.
we / leaders / with / teacher / will honour
We will honour the teacher with the leaders
9. Bhaataa ve.lunaa pakkhi.m maaresi.
brother / [with] bamboo / bird / killed
The brother killed the bird with the bamboo.
10.Amhaaka.m pitaro sattuuna.m ketavo aahari.msu.
our / fathers / [of] enemies / banners / brought
Our fathers brought the banners of the enemies.
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