From: Alan McClure
Message: 8512
Date: 2005-08-11
----- Original Message -----
From: "Gunnar Gällmo" <gunnargallmo@...>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2005 11:30 AM
Subject: [Pali] Do fig trees have flowers?
> Is there anyone in this list knowledgeable about
> botanics, who could answer that question?
> The reason for my asking it is the fifth stanza of the
> Uragasutta in the Suttanipaata:
> 5. Yo naajjhagamaa bhavesu saara"m, vicina"m
> pupphamiva [pupphamiva
> (bahuusu)] udumbaresu;
> so bhikkhu jahaati orapaara"m, urago
> ji.n.namivattaca"m"m.
> (VRI:s text on line)
> This is translated by Thanissaro:
> The monk seeing
> in states of becoming
> no essence,
> as he would,
> when surveying a fig tree,
> no flowers,
> sloughs off the near shore & far --
> as a snake, its decrepit old skin.
> And by Nyanaponika, into English:
> He who does not find core or substance
> in any of the realms of being,
> like flowers which are vainly sought
> in fig trees that bear none,
> -- such a monk gives up the here and the beyond,
> just as a serpent sheds its worn-out skin.
> And into German:
> Wer in den Daseinsformen Wesenskern nicht findet,
> Wie einer, der auf Feigenbäumen Blüten sucht,
> Ein solcher Mönch gibt beide Seiten auf,
> Wie eine Schlange alte, abgenutzte Haut.
> Now I know nothing about Ficus Glomerata, which is the
> meaning of "udumbara" according to the PTS dictionary;
> but I have never heard of a tree bearing fruits
> without having flowers first.
> So is this tree really an exception?
> Or was it a popular belief when the text was created
> that fig trees don't have flowers? (Nothing strange
> about that, in that case - Linnaeus put mushrooms and
> worms in the same category, and the authors of the
> Edda thought that bears don't have sinews.)
> Or might the original meaning of "udumbara" have been
> some plant that really doesn't have flowers, e. g. a
> fern?
> Gunnar
> gunnargallmo@...
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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