After having discussed with Ong Yong Peng when I should post my Warder
exercise translations, we have decided that Mondays and Fridays are the
best. My posts will have the letter 'F' and will be numbered in sequence
starting with F001. Some of the longer posts may be split up. My
translations will be only the Pali to English sections of the exercises and
will include full grammatical analysis of each term. If any of you find any
mistakes, please let me know. Additionally, John Kelly, who is also doing
Warder translations, has asked me to point out any significant mistakes I
find, and this will be done at the end of each post.
Additionally, I would like to introduce myself. I am an aspiring Pali
student and hope to be studying Pali and early/Theravada Buddhism in Grad
school starting in the fall of 2006. Currently, I have been working mostly
on the Warder exercises and to some extent on the SN as well. I am also a
moderator at E-Sangha (, a free Buddhist board which some
of you may or may not be familiar with. I moderate the Theravada section
and the new (just since yesterday) Pali section that I pushed for. I am
hoping that some of you may take a peak at this Pali Forum, and contribute
if it interests you and that some people over there will look over here
likewise, as I mention this group often in my posts to that board.
I am happy to be a part of this list, and look forward to reading all of
your posts and posting myself.
[Warder Exercises F001]
Exercise 1:
tathaagato bhaasati
tathaagato[m-a/nom/sg ] The thus gone
bhaasati[bhaa I/ind act/3rd sg] he speaks
The Buddha speaks
upaasako pucchati
upaasako [m-a/nom/sg ] lay disciple
pucchati[pucch I/ind act/ 3rd sg] he asks
The lay disciple asks
puriso eva.m vadati
puriso [m-a/nom/sg ] person
eva.m [indec/enc/adv] thus/so
vadati [vad I/ind act/ 3rd sg] he says
The person says so/this [or ] Thus, the person says
devo amanusso hoti
devo [m-a/nom/sg ] god
amanusso [m-a/nom/sg ] not human
hoti [huu I/ ind act/3rd sg] it is
The god is not human
eva.m vadaami
eva.m [adv/indec/enc]Thus/so
vadaami [vad I/ind act/1st sg] I say
I say so [or] Thus, I say
khattiyo pakkamati
khattiyo [m-a/nom/sg ] noble/warrior
pakkamati [pa+ kam I/ind act/ 3rd sg] he goes away
The warrior goes away
mahaamatto nisiidati
mahaamatto [m-a/nom/sg ] minister
nisiidati [ni+siid I/ ind act/ 3rd sg] he sits down
The minister sits down tathaagato hoti [m-a/nom/sg ] ascetic
tathaagato [m-a/nom/sg ] the thus gone
hoti [huu I/ind act/ 3rd sg] he is
The ascetic is thus gone [or] The ascetic is a Buddha/Arahant
putto upaasako passati
putto [m-a/nom/sg ] son
upaasako [m-a/nom/sg ] lay disciple
passati [pass I/ind act/3rd sg] he sees
The son, who is a lay disciple, sees upasa.mkamati [m-a/nom/sg ] priest
upasa.mkamati [upa +sam + kam I/ind act/3rd sg] he approaches
The priest approaches
manusso jiivati
manusso [m-a/nom/sg ] human
jiivati [jiiv I/ind act/3rd sg] he lives
The human lives
eva.m vadanti
eva.m [adv/indec/enc] Thus/so
vadanti [vad I/ind act/srd pl] they say
They say so [or] Thus, they say
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