From: Piya Tan
Message: 8288
Date: 2005-07-17
> Dear Pita and Yong Peng,
> I wondered if I use some "untouchable" words. Let me clarify it as
> clear as possible.
> 1. Piya's efforts, contributions are well-known to modern leaning
> environment, both in accademies and open learning environment. I would
> like to express more that I admire and respect his knowledge in both
> linguistics and Buddhism.
> 2. My previous e-mail describes that "Piya just use 500-years
> segmentation for the convenience to explain his stand and opinions", I
> know very well that Piya did not say his judgement about "500-years
> segmentation" is a proper one or not.
> 3. The intension of my previous e-mail is trying to say " 500-years
> segmentation is not a new invention or new idea, it was there maybe
> since AD 100 or even BC 100." I do not think the mordern one or the
> traditional one is proper or helpful in explaining or summarizing
> the history of Buddhism. I know the traditional one is trying to
> arouse the crisis-sense of Buddhist to protect and speak out the value
> of Buddhism which they loved and was benefited from.
> 4. I simply wanted to say, as a reader of PaliGroup/Yahoo, I am
> the one who do not like this kind of 500-years segmentation--both the
> traditional one and new one. (and under the understanding of item 2,
> above-stated). For the new one, it is not precise. For the tradtional
> one, nobody cares about its original intension now, and the mis-
> interpretations and abuse of it make me concern. Most of people take it
> as "Buddha's original teaching". They treat it as Buddha's "real"
> presage. This kind of approach has been leading the
> "Puttajjana Buddhists" to more "Faith-orientatd" instead of learning
> and practicing the "basic and core" teaching of Buddhism.
> 5. I may not know "Nay" is "rude" word. If it is not nice to say "Nay",
> I feel sorry to spell it. But, the actual words I said is " I think the
> 500-years segmentation is not precise and helpful for the new beginners
> of learning Buddhism."
> With Metta
> Yifer
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