More Pali - Every few days - [C222]

From: John Kelly
Message: 6635
Date: 2005-02-25

More Pali - Every few days - [C222]
Warder - Exercise 20 (page 164)
Passages for Reading 2 (Part 10 of 17)

ta.m kissa hetu.
that / what is / cause
Why is that?

imesa.m hi Vaase.t.thaa catunna.m va.n.naana.m yo hoti
bhikkhu araha.m khii.n-aasavo
from these / indeed / Vasettha (and Bharadvaja) / four
/ castes / anyone / is / monk / arahant /
Vasettha and Bharadvaja, anyone from these four castes
who is a monk, an arahant with the taints eliminated,

vusitavaa kata-kara.niiyo ohita-bhaaro
having lived properly / done-to be done / having put
down-burden / attained-true goal /
destroyed-becoming-fetter / right-knowledge-liberated
who has lived properly, done what had to be done,
having put down the burden, attained the true goal,
destroyed the fetter of becoming, and been liberated
through perfect knowledge,

so tesa.m aggam akkhaayati dhammen’ eva no adhammena.
he / among these / end / is proclaimed / by Dhamma /
just / not / by non-Dhamma
he is proclaimed the foremost among these by means of
Dhamma and not of non-Dhamma.

dhammo hi Vaase.t.thaa se.t.tho jan’ etasmi.m di.t.the
c’ eva dhamme abhisamparaaya~n ca.
Dhamma / indeed / Vasettha (and Bharadvaja) / best /
generation / in this / in this very life (’ eva
dhamme) / and / in the future / and
Indeed Vasettha and Bharadvaja, Dhamma is the very
best in this generation both in this very life and in
the future.

Metta, John

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