From: caball01
Message: 6593
Date: 2005-02-20
--- In, Gunnar Gällmo <gunnargallmo@...> wrote:
> --- Ong Yong Peng <ypong001@...> skrev:
> >
> > 10. Pa.n.ditaa ya.m ya.m desa.m bhajanti tattha
> > tatth'eva
> > puujitaa honti.
> > wise men / whatever / place / associate / here
> > and there-just /
> > offered / are
> > The wise men are offered everywhere, wherever
> > (they) associate.
> What are they offered? Or to whom are they offered? I
> think this word needs an object, and the English
> sentence doesn't show whether something is offered to
> "the wise men", or if they are themselves offered to
> someone.
> Neither alternative corresponds to the Pali phrase. I
> think "puujitaa honti" is better translated by "are
> venerated", or perhaps "are served".
> Gunnar
> =====
> gunnargallmo@...