From: Sukhdev Singh
Message: 6527
Date: 2005-02-11
> Dear Sukhdev and others,
> Blank boxes on a unicode document indicate that
> your
> system or browser does not have a font that covers
> the
> unicode characters in the document. The only way to
> fix this is to install a font that does. See the
> following sites for downloadable fonts that cover
> traditional Chinese (the Chinese characters in
> Steven's lesson):
> To install fonts on Windows, simply copy them to
> c:\winnt\fonts or a similar directory
> (c:\windows\fonts?)
> depending upon your version of Windows.
> If you still have problems, try changing your web
> browser
> to Firefox, a free, standards-based browser which is
> both cross-platform and fast! It can be downloaded
> (again
> for free) @
> Good luck,
> Walter