From: Ong Yong Peng Message: 6372 Date: 2005-02-03
An Elementary Pali Course
Exercise 13-A: Translate into English.
15. Ya.m tva.m icchasi ta.m etassa arocehi.
what / you / wish / it / to him / tell
What you wish, tell it to him.
16. Ya.m te karonti tam* eva gahetvaa para.m loka.m gacchanti.
what / they / do / it / by themselves / having taken /
[to] the other world / go
Whatever they do, they take it by themselves and go to the
other world.
17. Yassa.m disaaya.m so vasati tassa.m disaaya.m ete'pi
vasitu.m icchanti.
in which quarter / he / lives / in that quarter / they-too /
to live / wish
In whichever quarter he lives, they wish to live in that
quarter too.
18. Eso naro eka.m vadati, esaa naarii añña.m vadati.
that / man / one / speaks / that / woman / another /
That man says one [thing], that woman says another.
Yong Peng.
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