From: "Kåre A. Lie"
Message: 6282
Date: 2005-01-25
>The ref is in the Karmasiddhiprakarana. I am using Stefan Anacker'sThank you very much, Bhante! This was very relevant for my study, and I
>translation (Seven Works of Vasubandhu, Motilal, 1998), where the
>title given is 'A Discussion for the Demonstration of Action'. The
>sections is 35 (i am not quite sure if this numbering system is
>peculiar to Anacker), pg. 114:
>'The honourable Tamrapaniyas recognize this same consciousness,
>calling it the consciousness that is the requisite for existence.
>Others again (the Mahasanghikas) call it the 'root-consciousness'.'
>Anacker in his note (note 60, pg 154) to this renders the Skt as
>bhavaagravijnana, which is surely a mistake; the glossary at the end
>(pg 326) gives bhavaangavijnana. Evidently the term bhavangacitta is
>not used - i wonder whether bhavangavinnana is actualy found in the