More Pali - Every few days - [C200]

From: John Kelly
Message: 5990
Date: 2004-12-28

More Pali - Every few days - [C200]
Warder - Exercise 19 (page 145)
Passages for Reading 3 (Part 2 of 3)

addasasu.m kho bhikkhave nemittaa braahma.naa
they saw / indeed / monks / sign / brahmins /
So, monks, the diviner brahmins looked at Prince

disvaa Bandhumanta.m raajaana.m etad avocu.m:
having seen / Bandhuma / king / thus / they said
and when they had done so, they said to King Bandhuma:

attamano deva hohi, mahesakkho te deva putto uppanno.
delighted / lord / may you be / superior / to you /
lord / son / arisen
“Lord, may you be delighted; a superior son has been
born to you.

sace agaara.m ajjhaavasati, raajaa hoti cakkavattii
dhammiko dhamma-raajaa.
if / house / inhabits / king / he is / wheel-turning /
righteous / dhamma-king
If he remains a householder, he will become a
righteous, wheel-turning Dhamma-king.

sace kho pana agaarasmaa anagaariya.m pabbajati,
araha.m hoti sammaa sambuddho ti.
if / indeed / then / from home / to homelessness / he
goes forth / arahant / he is / fully / enlightened /
But if he goes forth from home to homelessness, then
he will be an arahant, a fully-enlightened one.”

Metta, John

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