More Pali - Every few days - [C195]

From: John Kelly
Message: 5904
Date: 2004-12-18

More Pali - Every few days - [C195]
Warder - Exercise 19 (page 145)
Passages for Reading 2 (Part 16 of 19)

eva.m vutte purohito raajaana.m
Mahaavijita.m etad avoca:
this / having been said / Brahmin / priest / Brahmin /
king / Mahavijita / thus / spoke
After this was said, Brahmin, the high-priest said to
King Mahavijita:

bhoto kho rañño janapado sa-ka.n.tako sa-uppii.lo,
of the honourable / indeed / of the king / country /
with-thief / with-oppression
‘Your majesty’s kingdom is filled with thieves and

gaama-ghaataa pi dissanti nigama-ghaataa pi dissanti
nagara-ghaataa pi dissanti pantha-duhanaa pi dissanti.

village-destruction / and / there appears /
town-destruction / and / there appears /
city-destruction / and / there appears / road-robbery
/ and / there appears /
and destruction of villages, towns, and cities, and
highway-robbery is manifest.

bhavañ ce kho pana raajaa eva.m sa-ka.n.take janapade
sa-upapii.le balim uddhareyya, akiccakaarii assa tena
bhava.m raajaa.
honourable / if / indeed / then / king / this /
with-thief / in the country / with-oppression / tax /
would collect / what should not be done / it would be
/ by this / honourable / king
If then your majesty would collect taxes in this
country filled with thieves and oppression, this would
be what should not be done.

Metta, John

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