More Pali - Every few days - [C183]

From: John Kelly
Message: 5783
Date: 2004-11-19

More Pali - Every few days - [C183]
Warder - Exercise 19 (page 145)
Passages for Reading 2 (Part 4 of 19)

atha kho Kuu.tadantassa braahma.nassa etad ahosi:
then / indeed / to Kutadanta / the Brahmin / thus / it
Then the Brahmin Kutadanta thought to himself:

suta.m kho pana m� eta.m: Gotamo
tividha-ya��a-sampada.m jaanaatii ti.
heard / indeed / then / by me / this / ascetic /
Gotama / triple-sacrifice-success / he knows /
�I have heard that the ascetic Gotama knows how to
successfully conduct the triple sacrifice.

na kho panaaha.m jaanaami tividha.m-ya��a-sampada.m
icchaami caaha.m mahaa-ya��a.m yajitu.m.
not / indeed / then I / I know /
triple-sacrifice-success / I wish / and I /
great-sacrifice / to sacrifice
I don�t know how to successfully conduct the triple
sacrifice, and I wish to make a great sacrifice.

yan nuunaaha.m Gotama.m upasa.mkamitvaa
tividha-ya��a-sampada.m puccheyyan ti.
which / is it not I / ascetic / Gotama / having
approached / triple-sacrifice-success / I ask /
Why don�t I approach the ascetic Gotama and ask him
how to successfully conduct the triple sacrifice?�

Metta, John

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