Dear friends,

I've been puzzling over this small passage from the
Milindapa~nha - number III.5.4 (Miln 71):

Raajaa aaha �bhante naagasena, dhammo tayaa
�Buddhanettiyaa kho, mahaaraaja, buddhapa~n~nattiyaa
yaavajiiva.m saavakehi vattitabban�ti.
�Kallosi, bhante naagasenaa�ti.

By best translation attempt so far is:

The king asked: �Venerable Nagasena, is the Dhamma to
be seen from a three-way perspective?�
�Your majesty, as a conduit to awakening, as a
designation of the enlightened one, and something to
be practised by disciples all life-long.�
�You are clever, venerable Nagasena.�

Am I missing something here?

Mettta, John