From: Bhikkhu Pesala
Message: 5560
Date: 2004-09-25
--- In, Piya Tan <libris@...> wrote:
In Buddhist teaching, there are 2 kinds of faith (saddhaa):
(1) rootless faith (amuulaka,saddhaa), baseless or irrational faith,
blind faith (M 2:170), and
(2) faith with a good cause (aakaaravati,saddhaa), faith founded on
seeing (M 1:320,8, 401,23), also called wise faith (avecca-p,pasaada)
(S 12.41.11/2:69).
The former, amuulaka saddhaa, can be translated as "faith."
The latter, aakaaravati saddhaa, should be translated as "confidence."
Faith, or belief, means trusting in the word of another, and has little
to do with confidence based on personal experience. When we say that
someone is a confident public speaker we mean that they are self-reliant
and experienced, they are free from self-doubt and fear.