Useful info on thew Chinese Dharmapada & Gandhari

From: Piya Tan
Message: 5507
Date: 2004-09-15

Dear Pali friends,

Here is a list of titles worth looking into. The first two are only
printed books. These other three are downloadable from the URLs given.

Dharmapada (Bhikkhu KL Dhammajoti)
(1) [Dh:KLDh] The Chinese Dharmapada, tr Kuala Lumpur Dhammajoti,
Singapore: Mann Fatt Lam Buddhist Temple, 1990. [Chs 9-33, 34-35 of The
Chinese Version of the Dharmapada, 1995.]
(2) [Dh:C1:KLDh] Dharmapada Chinese ed: Fa Jyu Jing [“Dharmapada Sètra”]
(T4 599a-575b). Tr Ju Jiang Yen et al, c224 CE. Eng tr Kuala Lumpur
Dhammajoti, The Chinese Version of Dharma­pada. Kelaniya: Sri Lanka:
Postgraduate Institute of Pali and Buddhist Studies, 1995.

Dharmapada (Miroslav ROZEHNAL)
(3) The Dharmapada: Comparativbe study of different versions of the
Dharmapada. Research in Chinese versions of this ancient Buddhist text.
(With full Chinese text of the Ja Jyu Jing (T4 599a-575b), the oldest of
the Chinese Dharmapadas).
(4) Dharmapada: Komparativni studie palijske a gandharske verze textu
("Dharmapada: A comparative study of the Pali and Gandhari texts"). This is
in Polish: if anyone knows where to get the English version, please let me

Daniel Boucher
(5) Gandhari and the early Chinese Buddhist translations reconsidered: the
case of the Saddharmapundarikasutra. JAOS 118,4 Oct 1998:471-473(?).
This is essential reading on the serious problems (mispellings,
misreadings, etc) that the early translators of the Prakrit (Gandhari)
texts had in China. Boucher focusses on Dharmaraksa as an example. This file seems to have
been truncated: if anyone has the complete file please share with me.



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