From: Ong Yong Peng Message: 4881 Date: 2004-05-20
Pali Primer Exercise 32
Translate into English
4. Sace tumhe asappurisaa loka.m duuseyyaatha (pollute) kattha
puttadhiitarehi saddhi.m tumhe vasatha?
if / you / wicked men / world / would pollute / where / with
sons and daughters / you / live
If you wicked men pollute the world, where would you live with
your sons and daughters?
5. Yadaa bhikkhavo sannipatitvaa saalaaya.m kilaƱjaasu nisiidi.msu
tadaa Buddho paavisi.
when / monks / having assembled / in hall / on mats / sat /
then / Buddha / entered
When the monks assembled and sat on the mats in the hall, then
the Buddha entered.
6. Yasmi.m padese Buddho viharati tattha gantu.m aha.m icchaami.
in which / at locality / Buddha / dwells / there / to go / I
/ wish
In which locality the Buddha dwells, there I wish to go.
7. Yaaya.m guhaaya.m siihaa vasanti ta.m pasavo na upasa'nkamanti.
in which / in cave / lions / live / there / beasts / do not
In which cave the lions live, there beasts do not approach.
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