From: Ong Yong Peng Message: 4779 Date: 2004-05-01
Pali Primer Exercise 30
Translate into English
23. Dhammassa viññaataaro yasavantaa bhavitu.m na ussahanti.
of Dhamma / knowers / famous / to be / do not try
Those who know the Dhamma do not try to be famous.
24. Bandhumaa balavaa hoti, dhanavaa bandhumaa hoti.
he who has relatives / powerful / is / he who is rich / has /
He who has relatives is powerful, he who is rich has relatives.
25. Siilavatii raajinii gu.navatiihi itthiihi saddhi.m saalaaya.m
nisiiditvaa yasavatiyaa kaññaaya katha.m
virtuous queen / with good women / in hall / having seated /
famous girl's / speech / listened
The virtuous queen with the good women sat in the hall and
listened to the speech of the famous girl.
26. Gu.navaa puriso rukkhamhaa ojavantaani phalaani ocinitvaa
vihaare vasantaana.m silavantaana.m bhikkhuuna.m vibhaji.
virtuous man / from tree / nourishing fruits / having picked /
in monastery / living / to virtuous monks / distributed
The virtuous man picked nourishing fruits from the tree and
distributed to the virtuous monks living in the monastery.
27. Balavatiyaa raajiniyaa amaccaa dhammena diipe manusse paalesu.m.
powerful queen's / ministers / righteously / on island /
people / ruled
The ministers of the powerful queen ruled the people on the
island righteously.
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