More Pali - Every few days - [C154]
Warder - Exercise 18 (page 129)
Passage for Reading 2 (Part 19 of 20)
raajaa cakkavattii evam aaha:
king / wheel-turning monarch / thus / said
The wheel-turning monarch then said: na hantabbo. adinna.m n� aadaatabba.m.
living being / not / to be killed / not given / not /
to be taken
Do not kill living beings. Do not take what is not
kaamesu micchaa na caritabbaa. musaa na bhaasitabbaa.
of the senses / wrong / not / to behave / false / not
/ to be spoken
Do not misbehave sexually. Do not speak falsely.
majja.m na paatabba.m. yathaabhutta� ca bhu�jathaa ti.
Intoxicant / not / to be drunk / whatever ought to be
eaten / and / eat / (end-quote)
Do not drink intoxicants. And eat in moderation.
Metta, John
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