From: Ong Yong Peng Message: 4534 Date: 2004-03-16
Pali Primer Exercise 25
Translate into English
32. Maya.m kaññaayo dhammasaala.m sammajjitvaa kilañjaasu (on mats)
nisiiditvaa dhamma.m su.nimha.
we / maidens / dhamma hall / having swept / on mats / having
sat / dhamma / listened to
We young girls swept the dhamma hall, sat on the mats and
listened to the dhamma.
33. Maya.m locanehi ruupaani passaama, sotehi (with ears) sadda.m
(sound) su.naama, jivhaaya rasa.m saadiyaama (we taste).
we / with eyes / things / see / with ears / sound / hear /
with tongue / flavours / taste
We see objects with eyes, hear sound with ears, and taste
flavours with the tongue.
34. Te a.taviyaa aahi.n.dantiyo gaaviyo rajjuuhi bandhitvaa
khetta.m aanesu.m.
they / in forest / roaming / cows / with ropes / having tied /
[to] field / brought
They tied the cows roaming in the forest with ropes, and brought
(them) to the field.
35. Bhariyaa vyaadhinaa pii.litassa patino hattha.m aamasantii ta.m
(him) samassaasesi (comforted).
wife / by disease / oppressed / husband's / hand / stroking /
him / comforted
Stroking the hand of (her) husband who was oppressed by a
disease, the wife comforted him.
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