From: rjkjp1
Message: 4432
Date: 2004-03-04
> Hope you are well and happy.
> I appreciate you supplying that quote. I have come across quotesthere are two issues here: the most important being whether
> like this before, e.g. D ii 196-7 = DN 17:
> Now Aananda, you might think that King Mahaasudassana at that time
> was somebody else. But you whould not regard it so, for I was King
> Mahaasudassana then..."
> The problem I have with them is they would contradict the Buddha's
> teaching given so many times as the pracitce of Insight and Right
> View as not thinking "I am [any of the five clinging aggregates]"
> or "I am not [any of the five clinging aggregates]".
> As well as that it is not surprising to me, thinking the
> physiological interpretaion of the three insight knowledges
> [tevijjaa] is a later teaching, that these ideas are usually found
> in Nikaayan texts that most scholars take as later texts, i.e.
> Anguttara and Diigha as opposed to Majjhima and Samyutta.
> ==================