Kamboja is the last of the sixteen great nations mentioned in the
Visakha Sutta, Uposatha Vagga, Atthakanipata, Anguttaranikaya. Where is
In the Kambojja Sutta, what is the meaning of Kambojjam na gacchati,
apart from the obvious literal meaning?
Can anyone offer any useful anecdotes on famous events or discourses at
some of the other less well known great nations like Anga, Ceti, Vanga,
Macchana, Pañcāla, Surasena, or Assaka?
The full list of sixteen:
1. Anga
2. Magadha, the kingdom of Bimbisāra and his son, Ajātasattu.
3. Kāsī, Bārānasi was the capital city. The region was =
famous for silk.
4. Kosala was ruled by Pasenadi from his capital Sāvatthī. The Bu=
spent many Rains Retreats in the Jeta grove near Sāvatthī donated=
5. The Vajjī kingdom had its capital at Vesālī. The Buddha s=
pent his
final Rains Retreat at Beluva near Vesālī. One hundred years afte=
r the
death of the Buddha the Vajjī monks were the cause for the Second
6. The Mallas had their capital at Kusināra, where the Buddha passed
away. The Mallas princes carried the body of the Blessed One to the
funeral pyre.
7. Cetī???
8. Vanga ???
9. The Kurū kingdom was in the region of Delhi. It was in this kingdom=
that the Buddha preached the famous Satipatthāna and Kālāma =
10. Pañcāla ???
11. Macchāna ???
12. Sūrasena ???
13. Assaka ???
14. Avantī
15. Gandhāra was famed for its university of Takkasila (Taxila). It is=
the region spanning the northern Indus in modern Pakistan. Alexander the
Great reached it and one of his descendants was King Menander whose
debate with the Buddhist sage, Nagasena, is recorded in the
Milindapañha. The name Takkasila means stone-cutting, and this region
also became famous for its wonderful Buddha images.
16. Kamboja ???
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