More Pali - Every few days - [C115]

From: John Kelly
Message: 4386
Date: 2004-02-26

More Pali - Every few days - [C115]
Warder - Exercise 16 (page 111)
Passage for Reading 2 (Part 3 of 3)

tam ena.m manussaa disvaa evam aaha.msu:
this / him / people / having seen / thus / they said
People, on seeing him thus, said this:

kacci no tva.m ummatto, kacci viceto.
aren�t you? / not / you / I say! / mad / aren�t you? /
�I say! You must be mad, you must be daft?

katha.m hi naama uggharanta.m paggharanta.m yaava
guuthena makkhito guutha-bhaara.m harissasii ti.
why / though / indeed / oozing / dripping / as far as
/ tip, toe nails / with dung / smeared / dung load /
you will carry / (end-quote)
Why would you carry a load of dung, smeared with dung
oozing and dripping down to the tips of your

tumhe kho ettha ummattaa tumhe vicetaa
you / indeed / here / I say! / mad / you / daft
�In this case, I say that you are mad, you are daft,

tathaa hi pana me suukara-bhattan ti.
since / though / then / for me / pig food /
since for me this is pig-food�. [D.II.347-348 �

Metta, John

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