From: Jou [Joe] Smith
Message: 4159
Date: 2004-01-20
> -----Original Message-----Hi Nina and all
> From: nina van gorkom [mailto:nilo@...]
> Sent: Tuesday, 20 January, 2004 3:11 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Pali] Give one's life for a friend - in Paali
> Hi Rett and Joe,
> op 19-01-2004 12:02 schreef rett op rett@...:Much appreciated.
> > pariccatta is given by the PED as the ppp (past passive participle)
> > form of pariccajati.
> N: Yes, the same in Buddhadatta.
> PTT: He lays down even his life for your sake.