From: Ong Yong Peng Message: 4149 Date: 2004-01-19
Pali Primer Exercise 19
Translate into Pali
2. The child ran to the shop taking the money given by the mother.
daarako / dhaavi / / aadaaya / mula.m / dinna.m /
Ammaaya dinna.m mula.m aadaaya daarako dhaavi.
3. The king is seated in the chariot drawn by the horses.
bhuupaalo / hoti / nisinno / rathe / aaka.d.dhite / assehi
Bhuupaalo assehi aaka.d.dhite rathe nisinno hoti.
4. Having discussed with the wise man the farmers sent a messenger
to the king.
mantetvaa / pa.n.ditena saha / kassakaa / pesesu.m /
duuta.m / santika.m / bhuupaalaaya
Pa.n.ditena saha mantetvaa kassakaa bhuupaalaaya santika.m
duuta.m pesesu.m.
5. The children went out of the open door.
daarakaa / nikkhami.msu / viva.tamhaa / dvaaramhaa
Daarakaa viva.tamhaa dvaaramhaa nikkhami.msu.
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