Pali - Every few days - [B124]

From: John Kelly
Message: 4096
Date: 2004-01-07

Pali - Every few days - [B124]
Gair/Karunatillake - Chapter 7 � Readings
Ex. 1 (Part 4 of 5)

�Ta.m ki.m ma~n~natha, Kaalaamaa, moho purisassa
ajjhatta.m uppajjamaano uppajjati hitaaya vaa ahitaaya
�What do you think, Kalamas, does delusion arising
internally in a person arise accompanied by welfare or

�Ahitaaya, bhante�.
�Harm, venerable sir�.

�Muu.lho panaaya.m, Kaalaamaa, purisapuggalo mohena
abhibhuuto pariyaadinnacitto, pi hanati,
adinna.m pi aadiyati, paradaara.m pi gacchati, musaa
pi bha.nati, para.m pi tathattaaya samaadapeti,
ya.m�sa hoti diigharatta.m ahitaaya dukkhaayaa�ti.
�Then, Kalamas, this deluded person, an individual
overcome and with the mind completely overpowered by
delusion, kills living beings, takes what is not
given, commits adultery, speaks falsely, and incites
others to do likewise, which will bring him a long
time of harm and suffering�.

�Eva.m, bhante�.
�Yes, venerable sir�.


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