More Pali - Every few days - [C087]

From: John Kelly
Message: 3997
Date: 2003-12-23

More Pali - Every few days - [C087]
Warder - Exercise 13 (page 84)
Pali into English (Part 3 of 3)

ida.m paniita.m
this / excellent
This is excellent. [D.II.223 � xix.7]

ye maala.m aaropessanti, tesa.m ta.m bhavissati
those who / garland / they will put on top of / for
them / this / will be / for happiness
Whoever will lay on a garland will reap happiness.
[D.II.161 � xvi.6.17]

tva.m pana samma Jiivaka ki.m tu.nhi
you / then / dear / Jivaka / why / silent
Well then, dear Jivaka, why are you silent? [D.I.49
� ii.8]

kacci ma.m samma Jiivaka na paccatthikaana.m desi
perhaps? / me / dear / Jivaka / not / to enemies / you
Are you not, my dear Jivaka, giving me up to my
enemies? [D.I.50 � ii.10]


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