Dear Yong Peng,
op 14-12-2003 15:14 schreef Ong Yong Peng op ypong001@...:
> the word this week is, which is the numeral 'three' in neuter
> nominative/accusative case. Please see Warder Lesson 26 for full
> declension table.
We see in Warder Ch 26, teviisati, 23. Thus, it is te-, in this compound. can also be used together with a noun, as a compound, and then we
should recognize it: as: ti-, thus, tividha: threefold, tiyojana, three
leagues, tipi.taka, etc. In this Ch we see: timattaani (-matta, being
measure): timattaani paribbaajakasataani: 300 wanderers.