From: Ong Yong Peng Message: 3908 Date: 2003-12-07
Dear Nina, Piya and friends,
here is the next paragraph of the sutta.
"Diigha.m vaa assasanto 'diigha.m assasaamii'ti pajaanaati,
long / or / breathing in / long / breathe in / knows clearly
"Breathing in long, he knows clearly: 'I breathe in long',
* diigha (adj.) long.
* assasanto (present participle of assasati) breathing in.
* assasaami (first person, sing.) I breathe in.
* pajaanaati (v.) knows clearly.
diigha.m vaa passasanto 'diigha.m passasaamii'ti pajaanaati;
long / or / breathing out / long / breathe out / knows clearly
or, breathing out long, he knows clearly: 'I breathe out long';
* passasanto (pr.p. of passasati) breathing out.
* passasaami (1st per., sing.) I breathe out.
rassa.m vaa assasanto 'rassa.m assasaamii'ti pajaanaati,
short / or / breathing in / short / breathe in / knows clearly
breathing in short, he knows clearly: 'I breathe in short',
* rassa (adj.) short.
rassa.m vaa passasanto 'rassa.m passasaamii'ti pajaanaati.
short / or / breathing out / short / breathe out / knows clearly
or, breathing out short, he knows clearly: 'I breathe out short'.
'Sabbakaayappa.tisa.mvedii assasissaamii'ti sikkhati;
one who experiences entire body / will breathe in / trains himself
'I will breath in as one who experiences the whole body', he trains
* sabbakaayappa.tisa.mvedii = sabba+kaaya+p+pa.tisa.mvedii : one who
experiences entire body.
* assasissaami (future tense) will breathe in.
* sikkhati (v.) trains oneself.
'sabbakaayappa.tisa.mvedii passasissaamii'ti sikkhati;
one who experiences entire body / will breathe out / trains himself
'I will breathe out as one who experiences the whole body', he trains
* passasissaami (future tense) will breathe out.
'passambhaya.m kaayasa'nkhaara.m assasissaamii'ti sikkhati;
calming / bodily function / I will breathe in / trains himself
'I will breathe in calming the bodily function', he trains himself;
'passambhaya.m kaayasa'nkhaara.m passasissaamii'ti sikkhati.
calming / bodily function / I will breathe out / trains himself
'I will breathe out calming the bodily function', he trains himself.
Please correct me if I am wrong.
Yong Peng
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