From: Ong Yong Peng Message: 3792 Date: 2003-11-18
Pali Primer Exercise 13
Translate into English
30. Akusala.m pahaaya paapa.m parivajjetvaa viharantaa naraa
sappurisaa bhavanti.
evil / having abandoned / sin / having avoided / living /
people / good men / become
Having abandoned evil and avoided sin, the people who live
become good men.
Translate into Pali
1. Having picked fruits from the trees you send (them) to the market.
ocinitvaa / phalaani / rukkhehi / tva.m / pahi.naasi /
Rukkhehi phalaani ocinitvaa tva.m pahi.naasi.
2. Having heard the Buddha preach the doctinre I become glad.
sutvaa / Buddha.m / desenta.m / dhamma.m / aha.m / pasiidaami
Dhamma.m desenta.m Buddha.m sutvaa aha.m pasiidaami.
3. Thinking of collecting corn I go to the field with the farmer.
cintayamaano / sa.mharitu.m (to collect) / dhañña.m / aha.m /
gacchaami / khetta.m / kassakena saha
Dhañña.m sa.mharitu.m cintayamaano aha.m kassakena saha khetta.m
4. Singing songs you (pl.) look at the birds flying in the sky.
gaayantaa / giitaani / tumhe / oloketha / / u.d.dente
/ aakaase
Giitaani gaayantaa tumhe aakaase u.d.dente oloketha.
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