From: Piya Tan
Message: 3775
Date: 2003-11-16
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ong Yong Peng" <ypong001@...>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, 16 November, 2003 7:50 PM
Subject: [Pali] MN62 Mahaaraahulovaadasutta (13)
Dear Nina and friends,
here is the next paragraph of the sutta.
"Aana-apaana-ssati.m, Raahula, bhaavana.m bhaavehi.
in breathing-out breathing-mindfulness / Rahula / mental
development / cultivate
"Rahula, cultivate the development of mindfulness on in and out
Aana-apaana-ssati hi te, Raahula,
in breathing-out breathing-mindfulness / indeed / for you / Rahula
Indeed, for you, Rahula, the mindfulness on in and out breathing,
bhaavitaa bahuliikataa maha-pphalaa hoti maha-anisa.msaa.
cultivated / practised frequently / great fruits / is / great profit
(when) cultivated and practised frequently, is of great fruit and
Katha.m bhaavitaa ca, Raahula, aanaapaanassati,
how / developed / and / Rahula / mindfulness of breathing
And how is the mindfulness of breathing developed, Rahula?
katha.m bahuliikataa mahapphalaa hoti mahaanisa.msaa?
how / practised frequently / great fruits / is / great profit
How is there great fruits and profit (when) practised frequently?
Idha, Raahula, bhikkhu arañña-gato vaa rukkhamuula-gato vaa
suññaagaara-gato vaa
here / Rahula / a monk / gone to a forest / or / gone to the foot of
a tree / or / gone to an empty place / or
Here, Rahula, a monk who had gone to a forest, to the foot of a tree,
or to an empty place,
* idha (adv.) here.
* bhikkhu (m.) monk.
* arañña (n.) forest.
* gata (p.p. of gacchati) gone.
* suññaagaara (n.) an empty place.
nisiidati palla'nka.m aabhujitvaa uju.m kaaya.m pa.nidhaaya
parimukha.m sati.m upa.t.thapetvaa.
sits / sitting cross-legged / upright / body / to apply / before
him / mindfulness / having established
sits cross-legged and body upright with mindfulness established
before him.
* nisiidati (v.) sits down.
So satova assasati satova passasati.
he / mindfully / breathes in / mindfully / breathes out
* satova (adv.) = sato + iva (?) = mindfully.
* assasati (v.) breathes in, inhales.
* passasati (v.) breathes out, exhales.
Please correct me if I am wrong.
Yong Peng
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