From: Ong Yong Peng Message: 3754 Date: 2003-11-12
Pali Primer Exercise 12
Translate into Pali
25. Having taken a basket I go to the field to collect corn.
aadaaya / pi.taka.m / aha.m / gacchaami / khetta.m /
sa.mharitu.m / dha~n~na.m
Pi.taka.m aadaaya aha.m dha~n~na.m sa.mharitu.m khetta.m
Pali Primer Exercise 13
Translate into English
1. Buddho vihaarasmi.m sannipatantaana.m manussaana.m dhamma.m
Buddha / in monastery / assembling / people / dhamma / preaches
Buddha preaches the dhamma to the people assembling in the
2. Buddhassa puujetu.m cintento upaasako pupphaani ocinaati.
Buddha / to honour / thinking / lay devotee / flowers / picks
Thinking to honour the Buddha, the lay devotee picks flowers.
3. Te patte udakena puurentaa giita.m gaayanti.
they / pots / with water / filling / song / sing
They, filling the pots with water, sing a song.
4. Tumhe ara~n~ne vasante mige pii.letvaa asappurisaa hotha.
you / in forest / living / deer / having oppressed / wicked men /
You, oppressing the deer living in the forest, are wicked men.
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