Pali - Every few days - [B095]

From: John Kelly
Message: 3710
Date: 2003-11-03

Pali - Every few days - [B095]
Gair/Karunatillake - Chapter 5 � Further Readings
Ex. 3. (Part 2 of 2)

�Ta.m ki.m ma~n~nasi, mahaaraaja, tatta.m
aaditta.m sampajjalita.m sajotibhuuta.m eko jaananto
ga.nheyya, eko ajaananto ga.nheyya, katamo
balavatara.m .dayheyyaa�ti.
"What do you think, great king, who would get burned
more, one who knowing picks up a hot iron ball, ablaze
and glowing, or one who not knowing picks it up?�

�Yo kho, bhante, ajaananto ga.nheyya, so balavatara.m
�Indeed, venerable sir, he who not knowing picks it up
would get burned more�.

�Evameva kho, mahaaraaja, yo ajaananto paapakamma.m
karoti, tassa bahutara.m apu~n~nan�ti.
"Indeed, great king, in the same way the greater
demerit is for him who does evil not knowing�.

�Kallo�si, bhante Naagasenaa�ti.
"You are clever, venerable Nagasena.�
(Miln. III.7.8. Jaanantaajaanantapaapakara.napa~nho)

I'm delighted the first part of this post generated
such interesting discussion! I agree with the
majority of posters that go along with the view
expressed by Nagasena, even though at first it seemed
a little counter-intuitive (as per Michael's post).
However, when ignorance is present, the unwholesome
kamma would be greater.


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