Co to Mahaaraahulovaadasutta, 17 B

From: nina van gorkom
Message: 3614
Date: 2003-10-15

Co to Mahaaraahulovaadasutta, 17 B
ekiibhaava: being alone
attha (m); gain, aim, purpose, meaning .
attha.m: on account of, in order to
he.t.tha: below, below in the document: above, before.
sa²nkhepena: in short, briefly.
visa"nkharoti: to get rid of
cattaaliisa: forty
dvicattaaliisa: fortytwo
vibhajati: analyse, dissect
aapaadeti: produce
upaadaaruupa : derived matrial phenomena
mukhena: by way of
uppatti (f): rebirth, arising.
anup(p)atti (f):attainment
dhammataa (f): conformity to the law of Dhamma, propriety, general rule.
paaka.ta: well known
vitthaareti: explain in detail
mukha: mouth, face, entrance, cause, means.
yaati: proceed
paricchinna: delimited (paricchedati)
aavibhaava: manifestation, appearance.
taava: so much, like, just so, as far as.
purima: preceding, former


tattha pa.tisallaanaati ekiibhaavato.
As to the words, tattha pa.tisallaanaa, then, from solitude, this means,
then, from being alone.

ya.mki~nci raahulaati kasmaa?
As to the words, ya.mki~nci raahulaa, whatever, Rahula (is internal, etc.),
why is this said?

bhagavaa aanaapaanassati.m pu.t.tho ruupakamma.t.thaana.m kathetiiti.
When he asked the Blessed One about Mindfulness of Breathing, why did the
Blessed One speak about the meditation subject of materiality?

ruupe chandaraagappahaanattha.m.
He spoke so that he (Rahula) would abandon his attachment to materiality.

eva.m kirassa ahosi -- ``raahulassa attabhaava.m
nissaaya chandaraago uppanno,

It must have occurred to him thus: ³Since attachment has arisen in Rahula on
account of his body,

he.t.thaa cassa sa"nkhepena ruupakamma.t.thaana.m kathita.m,
and the meditation subject on materiality was explained to him before in

idaanissaapi dvicattaaliisaaya aakaarehi attabhaava.m vibhajetvaa
visa"nkharitvaa ta.mnissita.m chandaraaga.m
I shall now also make him dissect the body in fortytwo ways and thus cause
him to get rid of attachment that is dependent on it

anuppattidhammata.m aapaadessaamii''ti.
and to attain the truth of Dhamma.²

atha aakaasadhaatu.m kasmaa vitthaaresiiti?
Why did he then explain in detail the element of space?

In order to point out the derived material phenomena.

he.t.thaa hi cattaari mahaabhuutaaneva kathitaani,
na upaadaaruupa.m.
Before he had spoken about the four great Elements, not about the derived
physical phenomena *.

tasmaa iminaa mukhena ta.m dassetu.m aakaasadhaatu.m
Therefore, in order to point these out in that way, he explained in detail
the element of space.

apica ajjhattikena aakaasena paricchinnaruupampi paaka.ta.m hoti.
He also made known the matter that is delimitated by the internal space **.

³aakaasena paricchinna.m ruupa.m yaati vibhuutata.m.
He proceeds to clarify matter that is delimitated by space.

tasseva.m aavibhaavattha.m, ta.m pakaasesi naayako.
The Guide explained this so that it was clear to him in that way. ²

ettha pana purimaasu taava catuusu dhaatuusu ya.m vattabba.m, ta.m
mahaahatthipadopame vuttameva.
But here what had to be said previously with regard to the four (great)
elements, that was said in the ³Discourse on the great Elephant¹s

As to the words, tattha pa.tisallaanaa, then, from solitude, this means,
then, from being alone.
As to the words, ya.mki~nci raahulaa, whatever, Rahula (is internal, etc.),
why is this said?
When he asked the Blessed One about Mindfulness of Breathing, why did the
Blessed One speak about the meditation subject of materiality?
He spoke so that he (Rahula) would abandon his attachment to materiality.
It must have occurred to him thus: ³Since attachment has arisen in Rahula on
account of his body, and the meditation subject on materiality was explained
to him before in brief, I shall now also make him dissect the body in
fortytwo ways and thus cause him to get rid of attachment that is dependent
on it and to attain the truth of Dhamma.²
Why did he then explain in detail the element of space?
In order to point out the derived material phenomena.
Before he had spoken about the four great Elements, not about the derived
physical phenomena *.
Therefore, in order to point these out in that way, he explained in detail
the element of space.
He also made known the matter that is delimitated by the internal space **.

³He proceeds to clarify matter that is delimitated by space.
The Guide explained this so that it was clear to him in that way.²

But here what had to be said previously with regard to the four (great)
elements, that was said in the ³Discourse on the great Elephant¹s
*The four great Elements (solidity, cohesion, heat and motion) are the
principle material phenomena. All other material phenomena are derived
materiality, they are dependent on the four great Elements.
** Material phenomena arise in groups or units and each unit is surrounded
by infinitely tiny space so that the groups of material phenomena are
delimited, clearly distinct. This is the internal space.


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