More Pali - Every few days - [C056]

From: John Kelly
Message: 3604
Date: 2003-10-13

More Pali - Every few days - [C056]
Warder - Exercise 9 (page 53)
Pali into English (Part 3 of 4)

taa devataa ma.m etad avocu.m
this / deity / me / thus / said
This deity said this to me [D.II.51 � xiv.3.30]

atthi kho bho Ma.nikaa naama vijjaa
there is / indeed / sir / Manika / called / science
Indeed, sir, there is a science called �Manika�
[D.I.214 � xi.7]

sa~n~naa ca vedanaa ca niruddhaa honti
perceptions / and / sensations / and / ceased / they
Perceptions and sensations are ceased [D.III.266 �


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